Friday, May 29, 2009

Baseball Picture

David played baseball this spring. They have two games left, and he has really enjoyed the experience. Here is how he looks in his uniform, at least from the back!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

This Morning

This morning I took some pictures of this year's baby Canada geese, and also took a little video in the barn. The cows were making all kinds of noise. It was so loud it was funny. I ran to get the camera, but by the time I'd gotten back, they had their hay and were much quieter. You can still get an idea, though.

There are three pairs of geese with goslings. It is fun to watch them, but Jason does not like them because they go up into the corn field behind the pond and eat the corn shoots. I like them because they only eat his corn, and do not come into the garden to eat mine!

Speaking of garden, here is a picture of this year's endeavor. That is the rhubarb row in the middle, sadly in need of weeding and mulch. The lower section of the garden is planted with Silver Queen corn, indian corn, some red field corn we saved from last year, and lots of pumpkins, winter squash and gourds. The upper section, (which was our whole garden last year!), has onions, tomatoes, peppers, green beans, cucumbers, and summer squash. It is always hard to believe that what looks like a desert of dirt now will be a lush garden in a few short weeks!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

And Then the Sun Came Out

Well, it has been a very long time since the author of this blog has posted anything at all. Being called to task for it, I have decided no procrastinate no longer, though I don't have any pictures to put on at the moment. We are still here, and it is no longer snowing. We did have a frost the night before last, but we are hoping it will be the last one until fall.

Yesterday we started planting our garden. It was supposed to have been smaller this year, but when it came time to till, Jason brought over the tractor instead of firing up the rototiller. Now the garden is three times the size it was last year! We plan to fill a lot of the space with gourds and pumpkins, though. Yesterday we planted a zillion sweet corn seeds, 39 tomato plants, three rows of onion sets, and a dozen sweet pepper plants.

I would write more, but I have to go outside and plant more seeds in the dirt. Today, after yesterday's experience, I have decided to wear sunscreen. (That is for you, Lisa!)