Thursday, May 6, 2010

Go-Daddy and Goo-Mommy on the Farm

The cows knew that something was up.

When Goo-Mommy fed the calf, though, their fears were assuaged.

Change that cap to a FeedMaster, and they'd fit in perfectly!

No farm adventure is complete without a little target shooting.

Old Dead-Eye

We got some grandparents on the farm! Even though my parents would probably agree that they are not really "into" milking cows, I think they had a good time on the farm.

Maple Syrup

Late February, early March:
I did not get as many pictures of the process as I wanted to, but our neighbors, the Williams family, tapped our trees for syrup again this year. It is a really fascinating process they use to turn maple sap into syrup. We all enjoyed tromping through the snow to empty the buckets from taps around the yard. We dumped them into a big drum, and Mr. Williams would come when the drum started to get full, and pump it into a tank on his pickup. (They have about a bazillion taps. The ones around our yard are really nothing, but we felt like we were helping!) After he took it home, they boiled the syrup. I guess you will have to wait until next year for pictures of that! We all thought (and Amanda was particularly hoping) that the sap would taste at least a little bit like maple syrup, but's pretty much just water with imagination.