Thursday, February 24, 2011

In My Back Yard

 Yesterday morning, on my way home from the barn, I saw this beautiful moon and the pretty pastel sunrise sky, and I just had to get my camera and take a couple of pictures.  The snow was new, the sky was clear, and the temperature was about 10 degrees. 

Too often I get lonely and sometimes I get discouraged.  The Lord reminds me then of His love.  I am ashamed of my lack of faith when I see the beautiful gift: a moon setting in a delicate sky, with a frosted landscape below.

Thanks be to the Father, who does not forget the sparrows, and does not forget us.


Anonymous said...

It really is beautiful! Love those encouraging moments.

heatherdmc said...

Hi Dare! I lost your personal email address when Tom took my computer in...yet again! But I had to tell you what a gread job you did on the girls shower gifts! Lovely! Heather