Monday, October 17, 2011

Swimming Fun

 The girls and I went up to visit Lorielle in August, and had a wonderful time visiting.  They have a really beautiful pool, and we enjoyed swimming.  I may be a transplanted country girl, but I have still not gotten to the point where I enjoy pond swimming.  Ocean swimming?  Yes.  Lake swimming?  Depends on the lake.  Pond swimming? Just not there yet.  Not to say I would never do it, but let's just say it would have to be really, really hot out.

In any case, it was a wonderful treat to visit with family and swim in a beautiful, clear pool (thanks to Lorielle's hard work), with a beautiful view.

I know, I said no summer pictures.  But aren't you glad I did it anyway?  Such cute little swimmers!

1 comment:

heatherdmc said...

Ah, cool, clear water! I am with you on the swim issue! I may have grown up minutes from Lake Erie, but I would not go in more than ankle deep! Our liner ripped last winter and I sure missed the pool out back this summer when it was so hot!